Diablo 4: Demon's Wake Dungeon Guide - Introduction, Guides, and Rewards

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A guide to Demon's Wake dungeon. It's an easy dungeon but not suitable for farming but rewards you with Renown and Aspect. You will find all the information you need about the dungeon here.

There are many different dungeons in Diable 4. Complete these dungeons will provide XP, gold, and items that may include Legendary Rarity. This is a good way to farm resources in Diablo 4. But not all dungeons are suitable for farming gold or items, such as Demon's Wake dungeon. I will introduce Demon's Wake dungeon to you in this article, which may help you deal with it better.

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Introduction to Demon's Wake Dungeon

Demon's Wake dungeon is a normal dungeon in Diablo 4. It is a church that was destroyed by Lilith, located in Scosglen. The nearest waypoint is Firebreak Manor.

The dungeon is unavailable at first. You need to progress in the Campaign in Scosglen to unlock this dungeon. Enemies include Drowned, Fallen, Ghouls, and Skeletons. There is no boss in this dungeon.

Guide to Demon's Wake Dungeon

It is a big dungeon. To complete your goals in the dungeon, you need to check your map to see if there is any place you have not visited. The first goal is to destroy two Idols of the Shaman. You will find them as white icons on the map when you close them. Fallen family in this dungeon is trouble. They can revive others, which means you should kill them first.

Ravaged Barracks will appear when you destroy two Idols of the Shaman. Your goal here is to kill all enemies. It is a big area, and you may have to backtrack to find these enemies, which can be a bit annoying.

It is not hard to kill all enemies, and if you do Beast will appear immediately. It is an Elite with a lot of HP. Not hard to kill. You will successfully complete the dungeon when you kill it.

If you have trouble completing this dungeon, you can get some powerful items or gold, Diablo 4 Items For Sale at MMOWTS if you need them. It might make it easier for you.

Rewards of Demon's Wake Dungeon

The most important rewards are Aspect of Uncanny Treachery and 30 Renown at your first completion.

It is not recommended to farm XP or anything else with this dungeon because it is annoying to complete this dungeon. I hope this article helps you. Thanks for reading.
