Diablo 4: Champion's Demise Dungeon Guide: Introduction, Guide, and Rewards

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Even though it's been nerfed, Champion's Demise dungeon is still a good place for players to farm good items, gold, and XP in Diablo 4. I will show you everything you need to know about Champion's Demise dungeon.

There are many dungeons in Diablo 4. Most of them are ordinary, but some are very unique. Champion's Demise dungeon is one of them. I will introduce you to Champion's Demise dungeon, everything you need to know.

Introduction to Champion's Demise Dungeon

Champion's Demise Dungeon is located in the south of Dry Steppes called Untamed Scarps. Southeast of Temple of Rot and northeast of Jirandai. The nearest waypoint is Jirandai.

The dungeon is very large and has many enemies in large groups. Most of them are Goatmen and Spiders. The boss of this dungeon is Khazra Abomination.

Champion's Demise dungeon was considered the best location to farm XP and loot. Sadly, it was nerfed after the game was released. Even though it is still a good place to get XP and items.

Guide to Champion's Demise Dungeon

Your first goal is to find stone carvings and return them to the pedestals. These stone carvings are protected by enemies in their camps. The dungeon is big and you can only carry one stone at a time carving, so you have to spend some time on it. Two Elites will spawn when you return all three stone carvings. Defeat them and get to the next area called Eater of Stones to face the dungeon's boss.

As I said before, the boss of the dungeon is Khazra Abomination. It prefers melee attacks. Nothing special except to be careful about its AOE attacks. It will create poison pools in the area and will deal damage when you step on it. I suggest you keep moving to avoid it. Khazra Abomination will also charge toward you if you are too far away, so it is important to control the distance with it.

Completing this dungeon is not difficult. But if you find it too difficult, preparing some more powerful D4 Items will help. You can get it from MMOWTS if you need it.

Rewards of Champion's Demise Dungeon

Defeat Khazra Abomination you will complete the dungeon successfully. As rewards, you will get plenty of gold and XP, and several rare items may include Legendary rarity. If you are the first time to complete the dungeon, you can also get a Legendary Aspect: Aspect of The Umbral. It allows you to restore your primary resources like mana, rage, and so on when Crowd Controlling an enemy. It can be used by all classes.

Champion's Demise dungeon is a good place to get more powerful items and D4 Gold, and it is not hard to complete. I hope this article helps you.
