How low-maintenance lighting like LEDs can help businesses increase their profits - Recolux-lighting

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The environmental friendliness of today's modern LED industrial lighting, which translates to lower energy consumption and cost savings, is a frequent subject of praise

The environmental friendliness of today's modern LED industrial lighting, which translates to lower energy consumption and cost savings, is a frequent subject of praise. Having said that, were you aware that there is yet another significant advantage? When compared to conventional lighting solutions, high-quality LEDs for commercial applications require significantly less maintenance, which further contributes to their value as an investment opportunity. Consider the costs of routine maintenance for your commercial building. These costs can add up quickly. If you have an older building with a conventional lighting system, you should probably budget a significant portion of your regular maintenance budget to cover the cost of replacing burned-out light bulbs. LED lamps, on the other hand, have a significantly longer service life, which enables a significant reduction in this effort. An impressive lifespanIf you still aren't convinced, perhaps the following statistics will change your mind. The average lifespan of a conventional incandescent lamp is approximately 1,000 hours, while the lifespan of a metal halide lamp can typically reach up to 20,000 hours. Contrast this with a high-quality LED light, which can last for an impressive 50,000 hours or more without needing to be replaced. This indicates that the replacement of an LED lamp is equivalent to the replacement of an incandescent lamp anywhere from five to fifty times.


In addition, the illumination provided by LED lighting lasts significantly longer than that provided by high-pressure sodium, fluorescent, or halogen lighting.


  1. A solution that requires little to no upkeepWhen led lighting for factories is installed, the resulting effect is a reduction in the amount of money spent on both the cost of replacement bulbs and the cost of maintenance

  2. However, this is only the beginning of the many financial benefits

  3. LED lights are less susceptible to failure and require less upkeep than many conventional light sources, which means that you will spend less money on repairs when you use them

  4. If you are still unsure, you should inquire with Sistema Poland

  5. The logistics service provider just recently installed some industrial lighting products from Schréders in its 65,000 square meter warehouse, and the results have been excellent

The advantages of productivityIn a warehouse or factory, where repairing or maintaining equipment is not always a quick process, having lights that require little to no maintenance can be especially helpful. Because of the height of the ceilings, tri proof led lighting is difficult to access the luminaires, and specialized equipment, such as lifting platforms, is required. Because of this, completing the task will require a lot of time and money. The downtime that results from these sorts of maintenance issues has the potential to set an organization back thousands of dollars. It can have a significant negative impact on a company's bottom line if they have to halt production in order to fix a broken light fixture on a production line in a factory. It is estimated that manufacturers in the automotive industry incur a loss of 19,000 euros for every minute of unplanned downtime, which amounts to 1,159,769 euros per hour. In business, every minute of wasted time is money down the drain. A sizeable investment Although LED lighting solutions may be perceived as requiring a sizeable investment up front, in the long run, your company will reap the rewards of these upgrades in the form of decreased overhead expenses, lower maintenance costs, and increased productivity. Instead of asking whether you can afford the investment, you should be asking whether you can afford not to make the investment.
