WATCH RG3 poses as a mannequin to terrif

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WATCH RG3 poses as a mannequin to terrif

, the newest occupant of the ' quarterback room, doesn't stand a chance. If carries over the kind of footwork and poise under pre sure he showed during a recent high school visit to the actual football field, there's no way Ke sler .The Browns recently granted a high school $25,000 Darryl Strawberry Jersey to use on new helmets, with appearing on stage at the school to reveal a Javier Báez Jersey look at those new helmets modeled by a mannequin. Except that mannequin wasn't really a mannequin.It was RG3.???Watch and pull off the biggest surprise ever at ! (@Browns) Poise under pre sure: Check."Let's just say it was really hard not to breathe for that long, but it was fun," Jed Lowrie Jersey Griffin said, . "The kids were really excited. I was afraid I was going to head butt the one kid because he was so close. The goal was to scare them, but I didn't want to hit the kid in the face with the helmet -- that probably would have ruined the surprise."Then, Griffin took part in the Running Man Challenge, a dancing craze ( ) that grabbed the world's attention thanks to The Running Man even made its way to the , just a day ago.Seriously, everyone -- from to the -- is doing it.Now, even RG3 is pulling out the Running Man. Keith Hernandez Jersey That moment when , and the provide new helmets for your team Cleveland Browns (@Browns) Refined footwork: Check.I'm not sure how much value dancing and posing as a mannequin actually have when it comes to football, but they Jeurys Familia Jersey have to be worth something in the form of intangibles. At the very least, RG3 seems to be enjoying his time in Cleveland, which is a rarity for most quarterbacks and football players,
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