NFL mock drafts 2023 Compare latest from Mel Kiper Daniel Jeremiah Todd McShay other experts

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NFL mock drafts 2023 Compare latest from Mel Kiper Daniel Jeremiah Todd McShay other experts

No need to shut your windows. There is a draft in here.With the 2023 NFL Combine in the rearview mirror, draft season is full steam ahead, and the experts are cranking out their mocks.This year's combine didn't really result in any major movers at or near the top, but it did reinforce what we already knew. The Bryce Young size debate will rage on until April, C.J. Stroud looks ready for the big stage, and Will Levis will make a team very happy come April Carlton Fisk Jersey or very disappointed come the end of the 2023 NFL season.MORE: With this year's draft first round something of a crapshoot with several unknowns baked into the top 10, some of the mock draft experts are seeing things differently.Here's how some of the heavy-hitter mock drafters see the first round playing out: was released on March 6.PickTeamPlayerPositionSchool1Chicago BearsBryce YoungQBAlabama2Houston TexansC.J. StroudQBOhio State3Arizona CardinalsWill Anderson Jr.EDGEAlabama4Indianapolis ColtsAnthony RichardsonQBFlorida5Seattle Seahawks (from DEN)Jalen CarterDTGeorgia6Detroit Lions (from LAR)Christian GonzalezCBOregon7Las Vegas RaidersWill LevisQBKentucky8Atlanta FalconsTyree WilsonEDGETexas Tech9Carolina PanthersParis Johnson Jr.OTOhio State10Philadelphia Eagles (form NOS)Myles MurphyEDGEClemson11Tenne see TitansPeter SkoronskiOTNorthwestern12Houston Texans (from CLE)Jordan AddisonWRUSC13New York JetsQuentin JohnsonWRTCU14New England PatriotsJoey Porter Jr.CBPenn State15Green Bay PackersMichael MayerTENotre Dame16Washington CommandersDevon WitherspoonCBIllinois17Pittsburgh SteelersBroderick JonesOTGeorgia18Detroit LionsBijan RobinsonRBTexas19Tampa Bay BuccaneersBrian BranchS/CBAlabama20Seattle SeahawksJaxon Smith-NjigbaWROhio State21Los Angeles ChargersDalton KincaidTEUtah22Baltimore RavensCam SmithCBSouth Carolina23Minnesota VikingsLukas Van Ne sEDGEIowa24Jacksonville JaguarsAntonio JohnsonSTexas AM25New York GiantsKelee RingoCBGeorgia26DallasCowboysJahmyr GibbsRBAlabama27Buffalo BillsO'Cyrus TorrenceGFlorida28Cincinnati BengalsNolan SmithEDGEGeorgia29New Orleans Saints (from SF, via MIA and DEN)Bryan BreseeDTClemson30Philadelphia EaglesTrenton SimpsonLBClemson31Kansas City ChiefsAnton HarrisonOTOklahomaNoteworthy: Will Levis doesn't last very long, heading to the Raiders at No. 7. Given that Las Vegas doesn't have a lot of options in free agency that would make sense long-term, Levis makes sense here. The Jets opt for a wideout here to pair with Garrett Wilson and Elijah Steve Pearce Jersey Moore. They could also go offensive line, but the best options are off the board by the time they pick. With the last pick in the first round, the Chiefs bolster the offensive line with Anton Harrison.Kiper's latest mock draft was released on Feb. 28. .PickTeamPlayerPositionSchool1Houston Texans (from CHI)Bryce YoungQBAlabama2Indianapolis Colts (from HOU via CHI)C.J. StroudQBOhio State3Arizona CardinalsWill Anderson Jr.OLBAlabama4Chicago Bears (from IND)Jalen CarterDTGeorgia5Carolina Panthers (from DEN via SEA)Will LevisQBKentucky6Detroit Lions (from LAR)Christian GonzalezCBOregon7Las Vegas RaidersDevon WitherspoonCBIllinois8Atlanta FalconsWill McDonald IVDEIowa State9Seattle Seahawks (from CAR)Anthony RichardsonQBFlorida10Philadelphia Eagles (form NOS)Peter SkoronskiOTNorthwestern11Tenne see TitansParis JohnsonOTOhio State12Houston Texans (from CLE)Tyree WilsonDETexas Tech13New York JetsAnton HarrisonOTOklahoma14New England PatriotsJaxon Smith-NjigbaWROhio State15Green Bay PackersMichael MayerTENotre Dame16Washington CommandersDarnell WrightOTTenne see17Pittsburgh SteelersJoey Porter Jr.CBPenn State18Detroit LionsDrew SandersLBArkansas19Tampa Bay BuccaneersEmmanuel ForbesCBMi si sippi20Seattle SeahawksMyles MurphyDEClemson21Los Angeles ChargersJordan AddisonWRUSC22Baltimore RavensZay FlowersWRBoston College23Minnesota VikingsDeonte BanksCBMaryland24Jacksonville JaguarsLukas Van Ne sDLIowa25New York GiantsQuentin JohnstonWRTCU26DallasCowboysDalton KincaidTEUtah27Buffalo BillsBijan RobinsonRBTexas28Cincinnati BengalsLuke MusgraveTEOregon State29New Orleans Saints (from SF, via MIA and DEN)Darnell WashingtonTEGeorgia30Philadelphia EaglesCalijah KanceyDTPittsburgh31Kansas City ChiefsBroderick JonesOTGeorgiaNoteworthy: The Texans jump up one slot to secure their pa ser of the future, Alabama's Bryce Young. The Ravens take a swing at fixing their wide receiver i sues, landing wideout Zay Flowers with the No. 22 pick. Will Levis, top-five pick? The Panthers trade up to take Levis, one of the draft's more polarizing prospects. was released on Feb. 21.PickTeamPlayerPositionSchool1Chicago BearsJalen CarterDTGeorgia2Houston TexansBryce YoungQBAlabama3Arizona CardinalsTyree WilsonEDGETexas Tech4Indianapolis ColtsC.J. StroudQBOhio State5Seattle Seahawks (from DEN)Will Anderson Jr.EDGEAlabama6Detroit Lions (from LAR)Myles MurphyEDGEClemson7Las Vegas RaidersWill LevisQBKentucky8Atlanta FalconsLukas Van Ne sEDGEIowa9Carolina PanthersPeter SkoronskiOLNorthwestern10Philadelphia Eagles (from NO)Devon WitherspoonCBIllinois11Tenne see TitansParis Johnson Jr.OTOhio State12Houston Texans (from CLE)Jordan AddisonWRUSC13New York Enrique Hernandez Jersey JetsBroderick JonesOTGeorgia14New England PatriotsChristian GonzalezCBOregon15Green Bay PackersDalton KincaidTEUtah16Washington CommandersJoey Porter Jr.CBPenn State17Pittsburgh SteelersDarnell WrightOTTenne see18Detroit LionsAnthony RichardsonQBFlorida19Tampa Bay BuccaneersBijan RobinsonRBTexas20Seattle SeahawksJaxon Smith-NjigbaWROhio State21Los Angeles ChargersQuentin JohnsonWRTCU22Baltimore RavensBrian BranchCBAlabama23Minnesota VikingsDeonte BanksCBMaryland24Jacksonville JaguarsBryan BreseeDTClemson25New York GiantsJalin HyattWRTenne see26DallasCowboysKeion WhiteEDGEGeorgia Tech27Buffalo BillsO'Cyrus TorrenceIOLFlorida28Cincinnati BengalsMichael MayerTENotre Dame29New Orleans Saints (from SF, via MIA and DEN)Zay FlowersWRBoston College30Philadelphia EaglesFelix Anudke-UzomahEDGEKansas State31Kansas City ChiefsNolan SmithEDGEGeorgiaNoteworthy: Nolan Smith is considered by some to be a top-half pick, but in this mock the Georgia pa s rusher falls all the way down to the Chiefs at No. 31. Christian Gonzalez is considered by some to be a lock for the top 10, maybe even the top five. In Jeremiah's mock, he falls to the Patriots at No. 14. Anthony Richardson's combine solidified him as Tony Conigliaro Jersey a first-round pick, and in this case, he heads to the Lions at No. 18 overall.McShay's latest mock draft was released on March 7. PickTeamPlayerPositionSchool1Indianapolis Colts (via CHI)Bryce YoungQBAlabama2Houston TexansC.J. StroudQBOhio State3Arizona CardinalsWill Anderson Jr.OLBAlabama4Las Vegas Raiders (from IND via CHI)Anthony RichardsonQBFlorida5Seattle Seahawks (from DEN)Tyree WilsonDETexas Tech6Detroit Lions (from LAR)Christian GonzalezCBOregon7Chicago Bears (from LV)Peter SkoronskiOT/GNorthwestern8Atlanta FalconsNolan SmithOLBGeorgia9Carolina PanthersWill LevisQBKentucky10Philadelphia Eagles (form NOS)Bijan RobinsonRBTexas11Tenne see TitansParis Johnson Jr.OTOhio State12Houston Texans (from CLE)Jalen CarterDTGeorgia13New York JetsBroderick JonesOTGeorgia14New England PatriotsQuentin JohnsonWRTCU15Green Bay PackersMichael MayerTENotre Dame16Washington CommandersDevon WitherspoonCBIllinois17Pittsburgh SteelersEmmanuel ForbesCBMi si sippi State18Detroit LionsLukas Van Ne sDEIowa19Tampa Bay BuccaneersJoey Porter Jr.CBPenn State20Seattle SeahawksMyles MurphyDEClemson21Los Angeles ChargersJordan AddisonWRUSC22Baltimore RavensJaxon Smith-NjigbaWROhio State23Minnesota VikingsDeonte BanksCBMaryland24Jacksonville JaguarsDarnell WrightOTTenne see25New York GiantsZay FlowersWRBoston College26DallasCowboysDalton KincaidTEUtah27Buffalo BillsKeion WhiteOLBGeorgia Tech28Cincinnati BengalsAnton HarrisonOTOklahoma29New Orleans Saints (from SF, via MIA and DEN)Bryan BreseeDTClemson30Philadelphia EaglesCalijah KanceyDTPittsburgh31Kansas City ChiefsDerick HallDEAuburnNoteworthy: The Eagles make a luxury pick at No. 10, selecting Texas running back Bijan Robinson. Seems a bit high for a back. The Ravens may finally solve their WR i sues by going with Ohio State's Jaxon Smith-Njigba at No. 22. The Bears trade down not once, but twice, and pick up some much-needed offensive line help in Northwestern's Peter Skoronski.Brugler's latest mock draft was revealed on March 7. PickTeamPlayerPositionSchool1Indianapolis Colts (from CHI)C.J. StroudQBOhio State2Houston TexansBryce YoungQBAlabama3Arizona CardinalsWill Anderson Jr.EDGEAlabama4Carolina Panthers (from IND via CHI)Anthony RichardsonQBFlorida5Seattle Seahawks (from DEN)Jalen CarterDTGeorgia6Detroit Lions (from LAR)Christian GonzalezCBOregon7Las Vegas RaidersWill LevisQBKentucky8Atlanta FalconsTyree WilsonEDGETexas Tech9Chicago Bears (from CAR)Lukas Van Ne sDLIowa10New England Patriots (from NO via PHI)Peter SkoronskiOT/GNorthwestern11Tenne see TitansParis Johnson Jr.OTOhio State12Houston Texans (from CLE)Nolan SmithEDGEGeorgia13New York JetsBroderick JonesOTGeorgia14Philadelphia Eagles (from NE)Bijan RobinsonRBTexas15Green Bay PackersBrian BranchCBAlabama16Washington CommandersDevon WitherspoonCBIllinois17Pittsburgh SteelersJoey Porter Jr.CBPenn State18Detroit LionsCalijah KanceyDTPittsburgh19Tampa Bay BuccaneersMyles MurphyEDGClemson20Seattle SeahawksJaxon Smith-NjigbaWROhio State21Los Angeles ChargersMichael MayerTENotre Dame22Baltimore RavensZay FlowersWRBoston College23Minnesota VikingsDeonte BanksCBMaryland24Jacksonville JaguarsDarnell WashingtonTEGeorgia25New York GiantsJordan AddisonWRUSC26DallasCowboysDalton KincaidTEUtah27Buffalo BillsDrew SandersLBArkansas28Cincinnati BengalsAnton HarrisonOTOklahoma29New Orleans Saints (from SF, via MIA and DEN) Blank Jersey Bryan BreseeDTClemson30Philadelphia EaglesDarnell WrightOT/GTenne see31Kansas City ChiefsDawand JonesRTOhio StateNoteworthy: The Colts trade up for a quarterback, but it's not Bryce Young. Instead, Indy goes up to get Ohio State's C.J. Stroud. The Patriots trade up for offensive line help, getting one of the best OL prospects in the draft at No. 10, Peter Skoronski. Like father, like son: The Steelers nab son of franchise great Joey Porter, Joey Porter Jr., with the No. 17 pick, bolstering their DB room.
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