Eye makeup advice including an easy-to-understand guide to choosing eyeshadow colors that complement brown eyes

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For as long as I can remember, one of the aspects of applying eye makeup has been one of those topics that has left me feeling completely perplexed

For as long as I can remember, one of the aspects of applying eye makeup has been one of those topics that has left me feeling completely perplexed. It would appear that I am not the only one who is currently dealing with this issue! When I go into a store, I almost always end up buying something just because I like the way it looks. After having it applied to my eyes by a highly trained professional in the store, I think to myself, "Yeah, of course I can go recreate that at home; it won't be a problem." Case in point: after having a highly trained professional in the store apply it to my eyes. Then, after I had given it a try in the convenience of my own home, it seemed as though I had given myself a black eye. I never seem to be able to avoid getting a black eye. The expected result did not materialize in this way at all. When I first started to educate myself further on eye makeup, I didn't start to understand why I had been doing everything in such an incorrect manner the whole time until I started to educate myself further on eye makeup.
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I did everything wrong, from using an inadequate amount of eye shadow to putting it on in the wrong order. I even forgot to use any at all. When I used colors that neither complemented their natural color nor drew attention to them, my eyes came across as lifeless and two-dimensional. Instead, the colors I picked out made my eyes look much more petite than they really are. It wasn't until I started to really learn more about eye shadow that I really started to fall in love with it, and now I almost never leave the house without it. I think it's safe to say that eye shadow is one of the most versatile beauty products ever created. To say that eye shadow is one of the most underrated beauty products would not be an exaggeration in my opinion. Because of this, I have included below my foolproof guide to eyeshadow color and eyeshadows, as well as instructions for how you can become an eyeshadow expert without having to leave the convenience of your own home. Due to the fact that the color of my natural eye pigmentation is brown, I can say without a shadow of a doubt that I have the most experience working with the shade of brown.

Because I was born with (unnaturally) large eyes – no, seriously, my parents called me ET when I was a baby – I've always been aware of the fact that I don't want to draw an excessive amount of attention to my eye area. This is something that I've tried to avoid doing as much as possible throughout my life. Because of this, rather than using more vibrant or deeper colors in my makeup, I've decided to stick with more natural tones. Not usually the color black, which is what the majority of people think of when they think of dark eyes (also known as smoky eyes), the colors that tend to look best with brown eyes are purples and pinks. Black is the color that most people think of when they think of dark eyes (also known as smoky eyes). When most people think of dark eyes, the color black that comes to mind is what they picture in their head. Always opt for a dark purple color rather than black; trust me on this one because I've tried both of those color options.

Since yellow is known to counteract the appearance of redness, I use a product called Lemon Smooth Affair for Eyes on my eyes. Yellow is included in the formula for Lemon Smooth Affair for Eyes, which I use because I have a tendency to get a red ring around my eyes. On the other hand, the shade Naked or the Petal of Smooth Affair is the natural match for dark eyes; these shades are also great for concealing dark circles that appear under the eyes. When it comes to eyeshadow, the pinky-purple tones are the ones I always go for, as was mentioned earlier. I find that they complement my eyes the best. This is due to the fact that they really highlight the white-to-dark contrast on the eyes, which is something that I strive to emphasize as much as possible. Pinks and whites are also great for lightening the eye, which is especially helpful for people who have dark eyes because people with dark eyes frequently have dark circles under their eyes and an overall darker appearance around their eyes. Pinks and whites are also great for lightening the eye because they reflect light. Additionally, pinks and whites are wonderful for brightening the eye area.

Smoke Gets in Your Eyes is an excellent product to use if you want to create the look of smoky eyes, as it contains a lot of pinky tones that help lighten and brighten the eye area. If you want to create the look of smoky eyes, then use Smoke Gets in Your Eyes. Use the Smoke Gets in Your Eyes eyeshadow palette if you want your eyes to have a smoky appearance. Pink Bliss is not only one of my personal favorites for my eyes, but I also have no doubt that it will be one of yours as well. The combination of pinks and purples in Pink Bliss is absolutely breathtaking and unlike anything else I've ever seen. The Silver Lining color palette features some stunning silver and gray tones, but the overall effect isn't all that impressive unless some color is added to the mix. If you want a more impressive look, add some color to the mix. If you want your appearance to have more of a dramatic slant, use the Silver Lining effect. If you want to give the impression that your eyes have more warmth than they actually do, try using a white eye pencil or a blue eye liner.


Both of these products can be found in most drugstores


  • Both of these hues are offered in eye pencils, and you can select whichever one you prefer

  • Despite this, it is still a palette that has a lot of visual appeal

  • Due to the fact that it is the Sundown palette, I have mentioned in the past how much I adore this particular palette

  • The reason for this is due to the fact that the name suggests

  • A breathtaking assortment of purples with a brilliant highlight shade that will assist in bringing some brightness to the eyes and will make them feel more revitalized overall

  • Perfect for dark eyes and everyone else

  • Jane Iredale's eyeshadow product known as Pink Quartz is, by a significant margin, the item that has the highest volume of sales

  • The collection of colors is stunning, in spite of the fact that the name may be a little deceiving due to the fact that it has a great deal more deep reds and purples than it does pinks, and the reason for this is that it contains significantly less pink than it does

Perfect for giving the impression of a natural and carefree demeanor when worn during the daytime. Have fun experimenting with different shades of dark eye color now that you've reached the stage where you can do so. Eyeliners are the best way to really bring out the beauty of dark eyes and add definition to the area around the eyes. Eyeliners can be found in most beauty supply stores. They are also the method that makes doing either of these things the least difficult. All of the Jane Iredale products that are described in the following paragraphs come incredibly highly recommended from me.-Smoky Quartz Mystikol is a smoky, dark gray that looks fantastic on all eye colors, but particularly dark eye colors. -Smoky Quartz Mystikol is a smoky, dark gray. -Smoky Quartz Mystikol is a smoky, dark gray. If you use the Midnight Blue Eye Pencil, people will think that your eyes are a dark blue color instead of their natural color. A marriage that could only have been predetermined by God! It has been around for a long time, but the Black Eye Pencil is still a tried-and-true beauty product that does wonders for your eyes.

The Black Eye Pencil also has a long history.-Emerald Mystikol – green eyeliner? Yes, yes! It is magnificent in every conceivable way! When applying eyeshadow to mature skin, it is best to use eyeshadow that has a matte finish rather than glitter because glitter can accentuate fine lines and wrinkles. Glitter is for younger skins. The use of eyeshadow in a deep purple tone is one of those colors that almost anyone can make look beautiful. Select purple for your outfit if you are unsure of what color to wear. The picture's outer corner ought to be executed in tones that are darker, while the picture's inner corner ought to be executed in tones that are lighter. This can be thought of as a rule of thumb.
