Steelers union rep to players Start saving for possible 2021 lockout

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Steelers union rep to players Start saving for possible 2021 lockout

Robert Griffin III Jersey The NFL and its players last agreed on a collective bargaining agreement just before the 2011 season, though it's probably more accurate to say the idea of not getting paid was a keen motivator for the players, who ended up making conce sions that they have come to regret in the five years since. That experience -- coupled with Le'Veon Bell's -- is why the Steelers' player rep, left guard Ramon Foster, is urging players around the league to start saving their money now in preparation for the next work stoppage when the current CBA expires after the 2020 season. "There are bigger i sues than pot," Foster said, via , adding that he has i sues with the league's current drug policy, though insurance and post-career care are more important. Either way, the players have to stand up for themselves because the NFL won't do it Seth Roberts Jersey . "Hit them in the pocket. That way, money always talks," Foster Trace McSorley Jersey said. "For us to do that, we have to save on our end. We can't be just blowing money and not realize what's coming, especially with guys coming into the league now." He's right, of course. The owners are busine s people first, and the threat of losing millions will force even the most stubborn among them to the negotiating table. That wasn't a fear in 2011, and despite Foster's warning, who knows if it will be in 2021. It's tough to convince a bunch of guys in their 20s -- many of whom didn't grow up wealthy -- that they need to put their money in a bank instead of buying houses, cars and taking care of family. ( Tim Williams Jersey than Trent Richardson, who may have already earned his last NFL check.) "It's coming," Foster continued. "They've hired certain people on their legal team, Brandon Williams Jersey the NFL has, and we have to be the type of players and union that's not borrowing money from banks and stuff like that to survive a lockout, a strike. That can't happen this time around. We have to be smarter this time around because there are a lot of things we're going to be fighting for and a lot of things they are going to want and we're going to want, too."
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